Executive Team

Chief Financial Officer
Jeanie Greenwell
Senior Vice President, Finance & Operations
Pam Homan
Vice President, Learning & Leadership Development
Kathy Callahan
Vice President, Technical Assistance & Evaluation
Carrie Conway
Vice President, Business Development
Alaine Kennedy
Vice President of Strategic Initiatives
Beeta Tahmassebi

Senior Management

Director of Business Management for the Technical Assistance and Evaluation
Julie Barton
Director of Gender & Inclusive Development
Jennifer Collins-Foley
Senior Director, Talent Management
Vera Connolly
Senior Director, MEL
Jonathan Jones
Director of Contracts
Rebecca Russell
Director of Learning and Leadership Development
Scott Yetter
Director of Operations
Andrea Hernandez Tobar
Director, MEL
Amanda Stek
Senior Associate Director, Finance
Nelson Fernandez
Associate Director for Learning & Leadership Development & GEIP
Amy Johnson
Associate Director for Outreach and Partnerships
Brent Keener
Associate Director, Digital Learning
Mike Myers
Associate Director of Information Technology Operations
Chris Poosuntisumpun
Associate Director of Talent Acquisition
Aida Rageai
Associate Director of Talent Development
Caroline Zwicker
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