USAID Armenia Integrity Project (AIP)

Project dates: 2021-2023

Client type: U.S. Government

Key topics: Gender and Inclusive Development, Learning and Capacity Strengthening, Technical Assistance

Related Country(ies): Armenia

Region: Europe and Eurasia

EnCompass supports USAID/Armenia as the gender and social inclusion integration partner for the Armenia Integrity Project (AIP), through a subcontract with Dexis Consulting Group. The project seeks to reduce opportunities for corruption and reinforce public demand for improved governance and accountability in Armenia through three sets of activities:

  1.  Strengthening corruption prevention institutions and integrity systems;
  2. Supporting the implementation of specific legal-regulatory measures for corruption prevention; and
  3. Facilitating a collective action approach to hold local entities engaged in corruption prevention mutually accountable.

The Armenia Integrity Project (AIP) works in close partnership with the Government of Armenia (GOAM), anti-corruption champion institutions, the Corruption Prevention Commission, the Ministry of Justice, and Armenian civil society organizations (CSOs).

As the project’s gender and social inclusion lead, EnCompass promotes best practices for inclusive development, ensures that the Armenia Integrity Project adopts a gendered approach to integrity strengthening and corruption prevention, and promotes a Positive Youth Development approach with a focus on developing competencies and behaviors that encourage youth leadership and experiential learning, adult approachability, and champions.

EnCompass leads the following activities in support of these efforts: the establishment and implementation of the national level Gender Corruption Index, an organizational assessment and technical assistance to strengthen the capacity of the anti-corruption government counterparts, a national level analysis of gender and corruption in Armenia , and support to enhance stakeholder engagement on gender and corruption prevention.

We are honored to support the Armenia Integrity Project and USAID/Armenia in this important work and to improve outcomes for the socially excluded populations, including women, youth and the elderly, people living with disabilities, and LGBTQI+ people that are uniquely and disproportionately impacted by corruption.

Photo by: USAID Armenia

Courtney Carr

Written by

Communications Specialist

Courtney Carr is EnCompass’ Communications Specialist, supporting the internal and external messaging and communications initiatives. She brings her knowledge and skills in writing, social media, video production, event planning and television news and radio production to the position. Before joining EnCompass, Ms. Carr worked at Community Science as a business development coordinator. She received her BA in Broadcast Journalism at Pennsylvania State University and holds a MA in Strategic Communication from American University.

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