February 27, 2017 admin No Comments

The Evaluators’ Institute (TEI) Comes to D.C.

Written by: admin,

The Evaluators’ Institute (TEI) is coming to Washington, D.C., with two weeks of programming intended for monitoring and evaluation professionals, beginning on March 6th.

EnCompass’ own Tessie Catsambas will be joining the faculty of TEI, offering a course called Management and Oversight for Evaluators on March 8th, at the College Park Marriott Hotel & Conference Center in Maryland. This course was previously taught by Mr. James Bell.

The purpose of this course is to provide evaluation professionals and funders with strategies, tools, and skills to:

•    Develop realistic evaluation plans
•    Negotiate adjustments when issues arise
•    Organize and manage evaluation teams
•    Monitor evaluation activities and budgets
•    Protect evaluation independence and rigor while responding to client needs
•    Ensure the quality of evaluation products and briefings.

Ms. Catsambas will draw on participants’ experience and engage them with diverse material. At the end of this training, participants will be prepared to follow a systematic process with support tools for commissioning and managing evaluations, and will feel more confident to lead evaluation teams and negotiate with clients and colleagues for better evaluations.

TEI is an internationally recognized evaluation certification program, offering best-in-class instruction with an emphasis on issues of practical relevance for evaluators. EnCompass has managed TEI since December 2016, working closely with Claremont Graduate University (CGU) to oversee their certificate programs and developing the TEI brand. Spots are still open, so for more information on how to register, visit or contact

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