Real-Time Evaluation (RTE) Course Description
Two key factors have shaped evaluation in the 21st century. First is the complexity and urgency of the challenges interventions seek to address. Second is the increasing frequency and magnitude of disruption (from climate change and pandemics to political change, economic recession, and war) that challenges the interventions designed to address these complex problems as well as their evaluation. These interrelated trends have pushed evaluation beyond the boundaries of conventional evaluation methodologies to alternative paradigms and approaches that embrace the volatility, complexity, and uncertainty that increasingly characterize the evaluand where interventions are delivered and evaluated.
This workshop will provide an overview of real-time evaluation (RTE) to support real-time learning (RTL) for timely and useful evaluation that informs operational decision making and course correction to ensure interventions remain relevant, realistic, and impactful. The workshop is appropriate for those considering RTE as an evaluation commissioner, evaluation manager, or evaluator. A prior understanding of these concepts and practices is not a prerequisite to participate in the course.
By the end of the course, participants will understand:
What RTE and RTL are, how they differ, and overlap
RTE’s humanitarian roots and the drivers for its uptake in non-humanitarian sectors and program areas
Benefits and limitations of RTEs
When RTE is or is not appropriate
Key considerations for commissioning, planning, managing, and conducting RTEs
Who to include in the composition of a RTE team
Data collection methods for RTE and RTL
Reporting and communication methods for RTE and RTL
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