Image card with photo of Lynne Franco and advertising her Saving Newborn Lives 20th Anniversary e-Talk on October 1
September 28, 2020 EnCompass Staff No Comments

Join Us for Saving Newborn Lives’ 20th Anniversary e-Talks, Featuring Lynne Franco on October 1

Written by: EnCompass Staff

EnCompass joins Save the Children and other partners in celebrating 20 years of the Saving Newborn Lives program and the global newborn health movement through a series of Saving Newborn Lives Legacy e-Talks. These webinars will take place each Tuesday and Thursday from September 29 through October 15. They will feature discussions with health experts and practitioners about the program’s achievements and renewing commitments for newborn health. Lynne Franco, EnCompass’ Vice President of Technical Assistance and Evaluation, will speak on October 1 (Day 2 of the e-Talks), which focuses on measurement.

A Proven Pathway for Achieving Coverage of Newborn Health Interventions

Dr. Franco will discuss the Pathway to Effective Coverage at Scale, which EnCompass co-created with Save the Children as an evaluation and learning partner for the Saving Newborn Lives program. The Pathway has shown itself to be a powerful tool for strategic planning, monitoring, and evaluation, helping countries and program implementers understand where they are making progress and where they need to fill gaps. The Pathway’s power comes from its whole-systems lens, its adaptability, and its focus on policy, systems, and strength of implementation at the point of service delivery. In short, it helps map where a country is on its journey toward scaling up interventions that can save lives.

Dr. Franco’s talk will be followed by presentations of country case studies from applications of the Pathway in Malawi and Nepal, and a Q&A session.

This e-Talk will emphasize the role of the Pathway in newborn care, but it is applicable in any public health intervention. Dr. Franco is also a co-author on a forthcoming article in Health Policy Research and Systems that will feature an in-depth discussion of the Pathway’s utility as a cohesive, adaptable health systems thinking framework. Keep watching our blog; we’ll post an update as soon as that article is available.

Join the Conversation about the Future of Newborn Health

The Saving Newborn Lives Legacy e-Talks are open to all global health practitioners, thought leaders, and development professionals. We invite you to join Dr. Franco and other colleagues in sharing achievements, new knowledge and lessons for newborn health, and country implementation research, experiences, and innovations. Together, they will emphasize a common vision for the future of newborn health, based on evidence and support the work of the Healthy Newborn Network—a global community of maternal, newborn, and perinatal health professionals and advocates.

To register for one or more of the Saving Newborn Lives Legacy e-Talks, visit the Healthy Newborn Network website.

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EnCompass Staff

EnCompass offers innovative solutions for organizational excellence.  We seek to enhance the impact and capacity of government and multilateral agencies, corporations, and nonprofits around the world through customized services in organizational and leadership development, training, technical assistance, and evaluation.

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