technical brief card with woman and child

Women’s Economic Empowerment and Community-Based Health Insurance: Lessons from Ethiopia

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Resource author(s): Lyn Messner, Heran Abebe Tadesse, Pragati Godbole-Chaudhuri, Dustin Smith, and Diana Santillán

Key topics: Health

Regions: Sub-Saharan Africa

Related countries: Ethiopia

EnCompass developed this technical brief as a part of our work on the Transform: Primary Health Care project.  Through USAID’s Transform: Primary Health Care project and Health Financing Improvement Program, the Agency has extended financial and technical assistance to multiple levels of the Ethiopian government to pilot, scale, and reinforce health reforms in Ethiopia. Community-based health insurance, now being rolled out nationwide, aims to promote equitable access to quality healthcare, increase financial protection for informal sector households in rural and urban areas, and facilitate social inclusion of Ethiopian families in the health sector. This technical brief provides insights from the Transform: Primary Health Care project’s gender analysis on how community-based health insurance is contributing to women’s economic empowerment in Ethiopia.

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EnCompass offers innovative solutions for organizational excellence.  We seek to enhance the impact and capacity of government and multilateral agencies, corporations, and nonprofits around the world through customized services in organizational and leadership development, training, technical assistance, and evaluation.

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