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Key topics: Technical Assistance
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In March 2012, USAID issued an updated, expanded Gender Equality and Female Empowerment (GE/FE) Policy designed “to improve the lives of citizens around the world by advancing equality between females and males, and empowering women and girls to participate fully in and benefit from the development of their societies.”
The GE/FE Policy includes a requirement for USAID to “assess the implementation” of the Policy in 2015. The USAID Bureau for Policy, Planning and Learning (PPL) contracted EnCompass LLC to carry out portions of this assessment (see Annex 1 for Statement of Work). This assessment report will be combined with two other PPL reports on gender integration in CDCSs and Project Appraisal Documents (PADs) to yield a final composite GE/FE Policy Assessment report for USAID.
The GE/FE implementation report annexes can be accessed here.