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Second Chances for Girls: The Zambian Re-entry into School Policy

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Resource author(s): Vera Wedekind and Tomaida Milingo

Key topics: Education, Gender and Inclusive Development, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Research, Youth


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This case study offers a comparison of two secondary schools—one in which most girls are returning to school after pregnancy and one where girls are returning at a lower, and more typical, rate—identifies several key factors that create an environment conducive to girls returning following maternity leave. These cases may offer lessons to help the Zambian government and its partners increase the reentry rate, thereby improving the prospects for all Zambian girls to fulfill their right to education.

Time to Learn’s Case Study Series provides insight into best practices in the education of orphans and other vulnerable children in Zambia, including an emphasis on Zambia’s community schools. Designed for policymakers and program implementers, these case studies focus on key research priorities identified by stakeholders in Zambia’s educational sector, including government officials, academics, and civil society.

Please visit the TTL project page for links to additional TTL case studies.

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