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Gender-Based Violence and HIV: A Program Guide for Integrating GBV Prevention and Response in PEPFAR Programs (English)

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Resource author(s): Alia Khan

Key topics: Gender and Inclusive Development, Health, Technical Assistance


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Gender-based violence (GBV) is a major problem throughout the world, and the intersection between HIV and GBV is widely acknowledged. Because of the association between these two topics, reducing GBV is one of the five gender strategies promoted through the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. The purpose of this technical brief is to assist HIV program planners and implementers in designing, planning, and implementing activities that integrate GBV and HIV prevention, treatment and care, and support programs.

This publication was developed as a part of our work with AIDSTAR-One, and it is also available for download in Spanish and Swahili.

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