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Beyond Access: Toolkit for Integrating Gender-based Violence Prevention and Response into Education Projects

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Resource author(s): Lyn Messner, Sylvie Morel-Seytoux, Kai Spratt, Abby Ladd

Key topics: Education, Technical Assistance, Youth


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This toolkit was developed to support implementation of the U.S. Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Gender-based Violence Globally under the ADVANTAGE IDIQ. It provides guidance and resources for USAID technical and program officers working on education to increase understanding of gender-based violence (GBV) in the education context and strengthen integration of a GBV response into projects and activities. Because reducing school-related gender-based violence is a high priority for USAID in all school systems globally, this toolkit includes school-related gender-based violence, but the overall focus is GBV in the education context broadly.

The Toolkit provides:

  • The United States government definition of GBV and USAID’s definition of school-related gender-based violence
  • Explanation for why integrating GBV prevention and response improves education outcomes, and the evidence on the prevalence of GBV in the education sector
  • Guiding principles to ensure the well-being of those at risk for, and survivors of, GBV
  • Illustrative GBV prevention and response activities by the USAID Education Strategy Goals
  • Guidance on how to integrate GBV prevention and response throughout the USAID Program Cycle to be able to monitor, evaluate, learn, and adapt education projects and activities accordingly, and it includes illustrative indicators for measuring GBV prevention and response for each of the USAID Education Strategy goals.
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