
ASPIRE Performance Evaluation, Annex 8: Evaluation Tools

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Resource author(s): Z. Falconer-Stout, K. Simmons, P. Godbole, S. Topolansky, R. Frischkorn, and L. Franco

Key topics: Education, Gender and Inclusive Development, Health, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Research, Youth


Related countries: Malawi

The Malawi Girls’ Empowerment through Education and Health Activity (ASPIRE) is a 4-year, $16.2 million, USAID activity implemented by Save the Children and three partners designed to support the Government of Malawi to improve girls’ achievement in upper primary and secondary school, and ultimately, girls’ empowerment. ASPIRE has three outputs:

  • Improved reading skills for girls in upper primary school
  • Adoption of positive sexual and healthcare-seeking behaviors among youth ages 10–19
  • Decreased structural and cultural barriers for girls ages 10–19

This document is Annex 8 to the Performance Evaluation, and contains information about the evaluation tools used in the report. There is also a Stakeholder Briefing associated with the ASPIRE activity.

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