Image of USAID staff receiving new employee orientation

USAID, Agency-wide Training and Facilitation Services

Project dates: 2006-2022

Client type: U.S. Government

Key topics: Leadership and Management Development, Learning and Capacity Strengthening, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Research, Organizational Development

Related Country(ies):

Region: Global

EnCompass provides training and facilitation services for USAID’s workforce located in the Washington, D.C. headquarters and at approximately 85 Missions. In partnership with the Office of Human Capital and Talent Management (HCTM), EnCompass designs and delivers training throughout all phases of institution and individual development, from new employee orientations to management and leadership programs. The EnCompass team focuses on technical and interpersonal skills to support employees’ growth from within, so they are better equipped to address complex development issues worldwide. 

Under this contract, EnCompass works with the Office of Acquisition and Assistance (OAA) and the Office of Policy Planning and Learning (PPL) to administer core and non-core training for the Agency’s Acquisition & Assistance (A&A) workforce. The courses intend to build the skills and knowledge of USAID staff in strategic planning, budgeting, procurement, program and project management, and monitoring and evaluation. 

EnCompass provides in-person and virtual instructor-led training and facilitation, curriculum development, e-learning design, coaching, and evaluation services to USAID personnel through an integrated core suite of training courses. Our approach incorporates the application of blended learning options, strengths-based and experiential approaches, and adult learning theory.  

HCTM courses EnCompass has designed and delivered virtually and in person through this contract: 

  • “Blended” Supervisor Certification Course (SCC) for managers, supervisors, and team leaders, which incorporates pre-work, a 10-day instructor-led training, an action learning project, quarterly learning bursts, and an optional coaching component. 
  • “Blended” Manager Certification Course (MCC) is a three-phased learning program for new managers. Phase 1 is a self-paced e-learning tool comprised of various management topics to prepare for Phase 2. Phase 2 is an instructor-led 4-day workshop. In Phase 3, participants conduct a self-designed Action Learning Project and an option to receive coaching. 
  • Human Resources Essentials (HRE) is for FSN/CCNPSC HR Specialists and HR Assistants. It provides participants with the essential knowledge, skills, behaviors, competencies, and key rules and regulations they need to successfully conduct their various HR functions. 
  • New Entrant Orientation (NEO) for all newly hired Civil Servants and non-Direct Hires. 
  • Four and 5-week Career Candidate Corps Orientation (C3) for all newly hired Foreign Service Officers. 

A&A courses EnCompass administers through this contract include: 

  • Activity Design and Implementation (AD&I) 
  • Applied Performance Monitoring and Evaluation (APM&E) 
  • Budget and Resource Management Training (BRMT) 
  • Introduction to Program Cycle (IPC) 
  • USAID Assistance 201 
  • USAID 202: Acquisition & Assistance (A&A) for A/COR Supervisors  
  • USAID 203: Advanced Acquisition and Assistance Skills for Practitioners  
  • Acquisition & Assistance (A&A) Seminar for Executives 

To learn about how to work with us under this contract, please contact Jennifer Albee ( 

Photo c/o EnCompass LLC, All Rights Reserved

EnCompass Staff

EnCompass offers innovative solutions for organizational excellence.  We seek to enhance the impact and capacity of government and multilateral agencies, corporations, and nonprofits around the world through customized services in organizational and leadership development, training, technical assistance, and evaluation.

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