We are excited to announce that EnCompass LLC has secured USAID‘s four-year, $19.6 million USAID/Bangladesh Upoma Activity. This initiative will deliver a comprehensive range of analytical and advisory services to the Mission, focused on activity strategy and design, performance monitoring, evaluation, capacity strengthening, communities of practice, and learning and adapting.
The platform will play a crucial role in supporting USAID/Bangladesh and implementing partners across various sectors, including democracy and governance, human rights, economic growth, population, health, nutrition, education, humanitarian assistance, and disaster risk reduction. EnCompass leads this contract with support from Management Systems International (MSI), and we are excited to collaborate with a diverse group of local monitoring and evaluation partners. Overall, the team aims to ensure that evidence informs strategies to support the Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) goal of helping Bangladesh become a more inclusive, democratic, prosperous, and resilient Indo-Pacific partner.
This win marks the establishment of our eighth country office, positioning EnCompass on every continent where USAID operates, and is our first award in South Asia. We look forward to a fruitful journey ahead.
Photo by USAID/Bangladesh Flickr