Photo of Kirsten Zeiter, Chair, Feminist Issues in Evaluation TIG, with EnCompass 20 years logo
February 20, 2020 EnCompass Staff No Comments

Kirsten Zeiter to Chair AEA’s Feminist Issues in Evaluation Topical Interest Group

Written by: EnCompass Staff,

EnCompass is delighted to announce that Evaluation Specialist Kirsten Zeiter has been selected to chair the Feminist Issues in Evaluation Topical Interest Group (TIG) for the American Evaluation Association. Kirsten has been an active member of this TIG since 2015, when she first attended AEA’s annual conference.

The Feminist Issues in Evaluation TIG launched in 1997 to help amplify female evaluators’ voices in a field traditionally dominated by men. The group’s scope has since expanded, and now also focuses on human rights, social justice, and inclusion perspectives in evaluation. Kirsten will build on the work of the previous chair, Sabira Ebaady. Her primary goal is to find creative ways to engage the group’s 180 members throughout the year, in addition to maintaining the TIG’s strong visibility at the annual conference.

Kirsten is especially excited to take on this role because she considers this TIG her “first home” in evaluation. Gender issues have been a focus of her studies and career, including at EnCompass, where she supports gender integration and gender-based violence prevention and response training for USAID. As chair, Kirsten looks forward to working with AEA colleagues who share a similar passion and intellectual approach to evaluation.

Visit the Feminist Issues in Evaluation TIG online to learn more about their work to ensure feminist voices are heard at AEA.

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EnCompass Staff

EnCompass offers innovative solutions for organizational excellence.  We seek to enhance the impact and capacity of government and multilateral agencies, corporations, and nonprofits around the world through customized services in organizational and leadership development, training, technical assistance, and evaluation.

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