We are pleased to announce the release of a new white paper from Tessie Tzavaras Catsambas, our CEO/CFO, and Lynne Miller Franco, our Vice President of Technical Assistance and Evaluation. The white paper, titled “Mapping Outcomes: Embedding evaluation in the life of an organization for improved social change programming,” is now available in the Resources section of our website.
This paper advocates for the creation of an overall evaluation plan—an “evaluation system”—for integrating and operationalizing evaluative thinking in organizations and programs that work toward social change. It was developed to address challenges these organizations face, including high expectations for success and constraints on funding and staffing. Focusing on Appreciative Evaluation and Outcome Mapping, the paper identifies steps in the process of examining assumptions and clarifying the theory of change.
Want to go deeper?
To build skills in facilitating Appreciative Inquiry in evaluation, we invite you to visit the EnCompass Learning Center to learn directly from (and with) Ms. Catsambas and other thought leaders and practitioners in the field. The EnCompass Learning Center, launched in 2019, offers virtual instructor-led training to enhance evaluation practice and evaluative thinking. Visit encompassworld.com/ELC to learn more and register for an upcoming course.
Beginning in January 2020, we are featuring a series of posts under the theme #EvaluationWednesdays, in which we examine EnCompass’ evaluation approaches and methods. Make sure to tune in by following us on Twitter at @EnCompass_World!
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