
EnCompass Named a Finalist in USAID’s CLA Case Competition

Written by: EnCompass Staff

Congratulations to EnCompass’ Sharon Bean, Caroline Zwicker, and Tamara Filipović who authored the case study “Walking the Walk: Building Internal Capacity for Performance Improvement” – a finalist in the USAID’s 2017 Collaborating, Learning and Adapting (CLA) Case Competition!

The CLA Case Competition captures and rewards real-life case studies of USAID staff and implementing partners using a CLA approach and innovation for organizational learning and better development outcomes. In its third year, there were 100 submissions. EnCompass’ submission highlighted our partnership with USAID’s Office of Human Capital and Talent Management (HCTM), and the team’s success in enhancing the value of management and supervision skills across USAID.

The case study focused on the Supervision Certification Course (SCC), which builds management and leadership capabilities throughout USAID by breaking down traditional stovepipes and historic ways the agency has programmed professional and organizational development. This blended learning program involves pre-work, face-to-face training, follow-on resources, and an action-learning component where participants are encouraged to tackle a real supervision challenge they are facing.

With backing from the Administrator’s Leadership Council and strong advocacy with bureaus and missions, HCTM provided organizational support to EnCompass’ design and delivery of the SCC, effectively promoting management and supervision skills as agency’s values.

It is an honor that USAID’s Learning Lab selected this case study as a finalist and we value the recognition of our commitment to sustainable learning. We look forward to contributing another high-quality submission to next year’s CLA Case Study competition!

EnCompass Staff

EnCompass offers innovative solutions for organizational excellence.  We seek to enhance the impact and capacity of government and multilateral agencies, corporations, and nonprofits around the world through customized services in organizational and leadership development, training, technical assistance, and evaluation.

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