Equity-Focused and Culturally Responsive Evaluation, October 2023
Instructor: Ayesha Boyce
In this three-module course, the focus will be on equity-focused and culturally responsive approaches to evaluation and research, and a combination of both theoretical and practical applications. The course will locate social inquiry as a key cultural product and provide a background and description for approaches that are considered culturally responsive. We will also discuss our own cultural location as researchers, as well as key dimensions of practice (e.g., context, relationships, validity, methodology, design, and reporting).
Module 1: Overview and Theoretical Foundations
October 17, 12 p.m.–3 p.m. EDT
This module begins with the justification and rational for the utilization of equity-focused and culturally responsive evaluation approaches. The instructor will overview the relationship between axiology, ontology, epistemology, methodology, and evaluation approaches and theories. Then, participations will work to understand the relationship between their own experiences, culture, education, and background and their practice. The extent to which all social inquiry products are steeped in culture will be discussed.
Module 2: Applying Equity-Focused and Culturally Responsive Evaluation in Practice I
October 19, 12 p.m.–3 p.m. EDT
In this module, participants will learn how to informally engage with culture, equity, diversity, and inclusion in evaluation settings. They will then work through the practical aspects of developing stakeholder relationships, logic modeling, and developing evaluation questions with an equity-focused and culturally responsive evaluation lens.
Module 3: Applying Equity-Focused and Culturally Responsive Evaluation in Practice II
October 23, 12 p.m.–3 p.m. EDT
In this module, participants will learn how to develop instruments, data analysis, and reporting with an equity-focused and culturally responsive evaluation lens.
We hope to see you online soon! Please contact us with any questions at learningcenter@encompassworld.com
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