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Appreciative Evaluation

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Appreciative Evaluation, April 2021

Instructor: Tessie Catsambas 

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The Appreciative Evaluation course will demonstrate how to incorporate Appreciative Inquiry into evaluation, including an exploration of the research behind appreciative inquiry, recent developments in positive psychology, and the ways in which an appreciative lens can drive the development of indicators, data collection instruments, analysis and reporting. 

This program is delivered in four virtual, instructor-led modules. Read more about each of the modules below. Classes will take place online via Adobe Connect or Zoom. Certificates of completion will be provided at the end of the course to all participants who have successfully completed the modules.

Module 1: Overview of Appreciative Evaluation
April 12, 9 a.m.–12 p.m. EST

Appreciative Inquiry is an organizational development methodology that searches for what is best in people and in organizations. The application of Appreciative Inquiry to the practice of evaluation incorporates the systematic and participatory study of successful experiences into the evaluation. Appreciative Inquiry has the power to energize and excite stakeholders, to move people from a deficit-focused lens to one that builds on assets and seeks ever better outcomes. In this module, participants will learn about Appreciative Inquiry, its key concepts, core principles and underlying assumptions. They will explore the Appreciative Inquiry models, and engage in an experiential case study to connect Appreciative Inquiry to evaluation, practice the first two phases of Appreciative Inquiry, as well as explore the benefits and the challenges of applying AI to evaluations. 

Module 2: Appreciative Evaluation Design: Focusing the Evaluation and Organizing Data Collection
April 12, 1 p.m.–4 p.m. EST

The application of Appreciative Evaluation begins at the launch of the evaluation, and weaves through to data collection, analysis and report writing. In this module, participants will practice the third phase of Appreciative Inquiry, and explore how Appreciative Evaluation can be used to focus the evaluation and organize data collection. In this module, participants use an appreciative process to develop evaluation questions and indicators. Through small group work and case studies, participants will practice developing appreciative indicators, and learn how to reframe traditional indicators into appreciative ones. 

Module 3: Appreciative Data Collection
April 13, 9 a.m.–12 p.m. EST

Data collection is key to capturing the qualitative and quantitative measures that inform our evaluations. In this module, participants will learn how to design appreciative data collection instruments, including interview guides, focus group protocols and surveys/questionnaires. Participants will explore the nature of appreciative questions, the structure of the appreciative process, the role of appreciative evaluation and managing resistance, and key competencies needed in appreciative evaluation. Through small group work, participants will have the opportunity to practice conducting appreciative interviews and will reflect on the kinds of data that emerge when appreciative approaches are used. 

Module 4: Data Analysis and Appreciative Reporting
April 13, 1 p.m.–4 p.m. EST

The application of Appreciative Inquiry in evaluation results in a positive evaluation experience, and learning through the process of evaluation. In addition to the learning that takes place in data collection, the analysis and reporting and critical times when evaluations need to demonstrate respect for the data they have collected, and maintain an appreciative lens in data analysis and triangulation. In this module, participants will learn how to interpret and analyze the outputs from appreciative data collection instruments, but also how to use an appreciative lens to analyze data collected without it. Participants will then explore appreciative strategies for presenting data in an evaluation including in conveying difficult messages about things that do not work, and identifying areas for improvement. Participants will get a chance to hone their appreciative reporting skills and will see examples of appreciative reporting that may inspire their own evaluation practice. 


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Recommended Text

Reframing Evaluation Through Appreciative Inquiry

To accommodate participants’ budgets and preferred reading format, we do not insist that recommended or required texts be purchased through the EnCompass Learning Center. Participants can choose to purchase new, used, or electronic versions of textbooks depending on their needs. Please note that we have no preferred vendor, and that the link on our website is only provided for convenience and is not meant as an endorsement of any kind. As such, the ELC will not be responsible for any issues that arise related to textbooks purchases and we will not issue any course refunds or vouchers due to textbook related issues.

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We hope to see you online soon! Please contact us with any questions at learningcenter@encompassworld.com.

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