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Education Resources in Response to the Novel Coronavirus and COVID-19

Written by: EnCompass Staff

The COVID-19 outbreak has affected many facets of global development and will continue to do so as response efforts take hold. We are honored to help support USAID with evidence synthesis and resource development for the education sector. This post originally appeared on Team members from the Data and Evidence for Education Programs (DEEP) activity (from EnCompass and MSI, a Tetra Tech company) contributed to the “Initial Insights” document linked with the Edu-links post, as well as other resources to come.

USAID is actively assisting countries that are affected or at risk by the novel coronavirus disease, COVID-19. USAID is working directly with host governments and through organizations responding on the ground to contain and combat the outbreak.

COVID-19 is having a significant impact on education worldwide. USAID is rapidly mobilizing agency-wide to develop a coherent, multi-sector strategy for COVID-19 response. Given COVID-19’s impact on schools and education, the USAID Office of Education is generating and collating reliable resources and evidence-based guidance to help education practitioners keep learners and families safe during this health crisis.

USAID currently has education programming in many developing countries affected, or soon to be affected, by the COVID-19 pandemic. Should these countries order nationwide school and university closures, it would disrupt the education of hundreds of million additional children and youth. While the Agency develops its Strategy for USAID Response to COVID-19 we are committed to providing the education sector with timely resources and guidance that address the likely secondary impacts of the pandemic.

We hope the curated collection of resources is helpful.

Photo credit: Thomas Cristofoletti for USAID

EnCompass Staff

EnCompass offers innovative solutions for organizational excellence.  We seek to enhance the impact and capacity of government and multilateral agencies, corporations, and nonprofits around the world through customized services in organizational and leadership development, training, technical assistance, and evaluation.

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